The present study “A Research on competencies of Women Entrepreneurs” main Objective is to reveal the exploratory information of women Entrepreneurs their competencies which 26/04/ · Women in business and entrepreneurship are rarely driven by money as a motivator for engaging in any kind of business instead a key motivating factor is the passion 24/03/ · She should think, always, “outside-of-the-box.” Women entrepreneur must have a wide network of contacts: She must have numerous connections with other entrepreneurs,
Women Entrepreneurs - Words | Essay Example
Women entrepreneurs across the world are faced with the challenge of accessing sufficient capital for business startups and maintaining businesses, essay on women entrepreneurs. This is essay on women entrepreneurs significant drawback for economic development in the 21st century, essay on women entrepreneurs. Within the UAE context, women are empowered by new internal policies that aim to make women achieve financial independence as much as that of men both at the workplace and in entrepreneurship. An increasing number of female college graduates are furthering their careers and developing their own or family business establishments.
In every ten business startups, only three are started by women. The low number of female entrepreneurs is caused by the culture that requires women to seek permission from husbands to establish and run businesses. It is also caused by a lack of sufficient government support and weak links among potential women entrepreneurs. The proposed project will identify and analyze the difficulties encountered by women about entrepreneurship within the UAE. The review period will be from 10 years back to now. This period is chosen because cultural factors started to negatively impact women in business about ten years ago. A retrospective study will help assess the problems and determine whether they are still hindering women from succeeding in business.
Through a thorough analysis of the issues faced by female entrepreneurship, important recommendations would be made so that the government essay on women entrepreneurs put in place relevant structures to help women start successful businesses in the future. Education and empowerment have been cited as key to promoting the economic growth of women. For example, women entrepreneurs could collaborate with educational and research institutions to develop innovative and pragmatic ideas essential in starting and operating businesses characterized by excellent performances. Educating women aspiring to be entrepreneurs on channels they would use to acquire government funds to start businesses would increase the number of women engaging in innovative and successful business activities within the UAE.
The project will review the literature on women entrepreneurship and business matters within and outside the UAE. The literature review will be used to identify the main characteristics of women entrepreneurship in the UAE and consumer behavior about female business people. The methodology of the project will be based on questions to be answered by women entrepreneurs within the UAE. Although a total of items will be sent to respondents, it is expected that only about questions would yield useful responses. A survey of 30 questions will be used in the study. However, the results to be obtained from the first phase of the survey will impact the sampling campaign for candidates in the next step.
Qualitative assessments will be accepted from respondents by utilizing personal interviews. In-depth interviews will be the final methodological approach in the study. The talks will help obtain more specific and emotional responses to interview questions. Through the guidance of the supervisor, the project will be conducted from January to May The thesis defense will place in June Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Women Entrepreneurs. Learn More. This essay on Women Entrepreneurs was written and submitted by your fellow student.
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Concept of women entrepreneurship in Hindi
, time: 4:37Women Entrepreneurs -
A women entrepreneur has to perform all the activities involved in establishing an enterprise. These include idea generation and screening, determination of objectives, project preparation, Benson () highlights that the number of women entrepreneurs is steadily increasing in the Indian economy. However, the presence of women in management is only % in India 24/03/ · She should think, always, “outside-of-the-box.” Women entrepreneur must have a wide network of contacts: She must have numerous connections with other entrepreneurs,
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