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Conservation of energy essay

Conservation of energy essay

conservation of energy essay

What Is Energy Conservation? Energy conservation is the effort to reduce energy consumption by using less energy. In other words, it is any method or action designed to Jan 29,  · Essay on Energy Conservation: Efforts and measures that we take to limit energy consumption are called energy conservation. Renewable energy sources can be replenished ENERGY CONSERVATION: It is a process which limits or reduces the amount of energy used. Energy conservation is an important necessity in our day to day lives, as the energy

Conservation Of Energy - Words | Essay Example

Therefore, the amount of energy contained in a system remains constant even if some of it is converted to other forms. Kinetic energy is contained in moving bodies while potential energy is contained in motionless bodies. The amount of kinetic energy in a body is affected by environmental factors and the state of surrounding bodies while potential energy is independent of the surroundings Viegas, For instance, friction can reduce the amount of energy contained in a moving body because some of the energy is converted to heat energy. In addition, energy is also used to overcome the force of gravity. Several activities explain the concept of energy conversion and transfer from one body to another.

An example of a real-life application that explains the law of conservation of energy is cross-country skiing that involves gravitational force. The skier has to overcome gravitational forces in order to move up the hill. During skiing, kinetic energy is transformed to potential energy and vice versa. When a skier is at the bottom and in motion, kinetic energy is at its maximum. However, as he speeds up the mountain, kinetic energy gradually decreases as the skiing speed reduces. After reaching the top of the hill, conservation of energy essay, potential energy is at its maximum. On the other hand, kinetic energy is zero because of the stationary state.

Factors such as gravitational force and friction are also involved in the energy transformation cycle. Kinetic energy is calculated using the following formula. al, On the other hand, the product of mass, conservation of energy essay and height gives potential energy. As the skier speeds down the hill, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy increases with increase in speed. Conversely, potential energy decreases with decrease in skiing speed. Elastic potential energy refers to energy contained in elastic bodies Viegas, Examples of elastic bodies include catapults, rubber bands, springs, and bows used to propel arrows.

The amount of potential energy depends on the amount of stretch a body undergoes. A real life situation that involves transformation of elastic potential energy is in the use of a dart gun. When using a dart gun, conservation of energy essay, elastic potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. The compressed springs of the dart gun contain elastic potential energy that is transferred to the dart when the trigger is pulled. The springs stretch and transfer potential energy to the dart thus setting it in motion toward the target Viegas, The force used to compress the springs is converted to conservation of energy essay potential energy when the spring is in a compressed state.

The aforementioned examples demonstrate the validity of the law of conservation of energy. In the first example, energy undergoes transformation while in the second example involves transfer of energy. Shipman, J. Introduction to Physical Science. New York: Cengage Learning. Viegas, J. Kinetic and Potential Energy: Understanding Changes within Physical Systems. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Conservation Of Energy. Learn More. This essay on Conservation Of Energy was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use conservation of energy essay for research conservation of energy essay reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, conservation of energy essay must cite it accordingly.

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Easy essay on Energy Conservation in english -- Energy Conservation essay

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Best Energy Conservation Essay Sample & Example For Students

conservation of energy essay

ENERGY CONSERVATION: It is a process which limits or reduces the amount of energy used. Energy conservation is an important necessity in our day to day lives, as the energy Energy conservation can be done through the efficient use of energy i.e. reducing the consumption of energy resources. Conservation of energy is advantageous both for us and for Jan 29,  · Essay on Energy Conservation: Efforts and measures that we take to limit energy consumption are called energy conservation. Renewable energy sources can be replenished

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